Monday, December 15, 2008

Credit Risk Panel at the Midwinter Conference

Never has a Credit Risk Panel been so relevant and significant to all of us. We are very fortunate to have the Gerson Lehrman Group sponsoring this session. The GLG Financial & Business Services Practice provides customized access to a global network of over 19,000 industry professionals in the Financial Services and Insurance industries and the business services that support them.

Financial & Business Services experts include current and former executives from Fortune 1000 companies, product structure specialists, exchange professionals, mortgage brokers, independent consultants, actuaries, and industry thought leaders. Beyond their financial support of the session and the Conference, they contacted relevant professionals in their database and helped us identify the key people who could add value to the program.
Our first Credit Risk panelist is Ron Cathecart. While at WAMU, Mr. Cathcart had oversight of all aspects of risk in the organization including, credit, market, operational, compliance, regulatory and internal audit. Mr. Cathcart built a large team for assessing risk on the mortgage portfolio, and was instrumental in policy decisions relating to exiting the subprime market. Bob Emmerich is our second speaker. Mr. Emmerich was Chief Risk Officer at National City Bank, and in his role was responsible for asset quality of mortgages and other financial services product offered by his firm.

Enrico Dallavechia, our third panelist, comes to us from Fannie Mae. As Chief Risk Officer to the GSE, Dallavechia had overall responsibility for credit, market, counterparty, and operational risk oversight for all business units within Fannie Mae.

Our moderator, Dave Nole, is Chief Risk Officer for Consumer Banking at Wachovia. Beyond his extensive insight into assessment and decisioning concerning risk at his enterprise, Mr. Nole is a “Conference Veteran” and will provide his own thoughts and comments as well as moderating the session.

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